Who’s Who?

Rev. Adam Watson

Rev. Adam Watson

Rev. Adam Watson: Priest In Charge.
Gifted to us from the good people of the Parishes of Welton, Dunholme and Scothern, for whom we pray God's blessing be upon them.
Adam comes to serve and lead, to listen and act, to contemplate and minister, to be preacher, and pastor and to bring God's Word and Spirit to us as Christ Leads him.
So that we as people of Christ may grow.
Rev Kath Pickering

Rev Kath Pickering

Kath is a Full Time Minister here at St George's after being fully ordained in July 2021. She continues, assisting our Priest in Charge, Rev. Adam Watson, as Curate until she moves with our blessing to her own parish(s).
We pray for her as she seeks God's guidance for the next stage in her ministry.
Jonny Bell

Jonny Bell

Jonny is our Children and Families outreach worker.
Jonny joined us in May 2020 bringing energy, vision and experience in Young church and Youth leadership.
Among ohter things Jonny leads 'Mini Stars' in church every Monday morning, and 'Messy Church' on the third Saturday each month; both during Term Time.

Parish Lay Workers

Helen Brooking

Helen Brooking

Parish Lay Worker

Jonny Bell - Children's and Families Outreach Worker

Jonny Bell - Children's and Families Outreach Worker


John and Del, our Churchwardens.

Del Gunter

Del Gunter



Currently we have two part-time staff covering weekday mornings in the church office, providing secretarial and administrative support to leadership and congregation, as well as supporting the hall and its activities.

Beryl Draper

Beryl Draper


Lindsey Slapp

Lindsey Slapp


Parish Lay Workers